• World Sustainability

Sustainability-related disclosure requirements

The Liechtensteinische Landesbank AG and its Group companies (hereinafter collectively referred to as LLB) are committed to communicating openly with their clients about the LLB’s sustainability approach and about how the LLB handles sustainability risks.

The following information complies, in particular, with the disclosure obligations of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector (SDFR).

The following statements describe the approach that is currently being implemented and will gradually be updated to reflect the relevant quantitative information, in particular with regard to the final regulatory technical standards, once the European legislator has provided the necessary concrete details.

LLB sustainability approach

The LLB’s sustainability approach takes into account, among other things, the management of sustainability risks as well as of adverse sustainability impacts of investments. The document also presents the LLB’s views with respect to the goals of the Paris Agreement and the LLB’s engagement policies in detail.

PAI Statement and ESG Data Policy

We always take account of the principal adverse impacts (PAI) in our investment process and assess them according to their potential impact. A large number of indicators with environmental and social dimensions are currently included in the PAI criteria monitored and assessed. In connection with the regular monitoring of PAI indicators, the focus is clearly on preventing or mitigating the principal adverse impacts.

Voting and engagement

Engagement with the investee gives the LLB the influence needed to expedite sustainable restructuring. This includes direct, bilateral engagement as well as conscious participation in reconciliation activities. The LLB Fund Services AG now exercises the voting rights for the funds managed by the LLB Asset Management AG, taking into account the socially responsible investment recommendations of independent service provider Institutional Shareholder Services for each agenda item.

Sustainable financial products

In addition to its traditional financial products, LLB offers its clients a wide range of sustainable investment opportunities including sustainable fund products, asset management mandates and investment advice. The table below presents the entire range of sustainable financial products on offer. To obtain more detailed product-specific information on sustainability, click on the respective links.

Remuneration policy

LLB’s remuneration policy focuses on the company’s long-term sustainable development. For further details please refer to the document below.

Sustainability-related disclosure requirements

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