• Four people playing violin and cello

    Prelude to more flexibility

Achieving more together: We help reduce your burden

As a custodian bank, we provide transparent safekeeping for your fund assets and reduce your burden by taking on administrative duties. You can count on our flexibility and expertise.

More than 250 mandates speak in our favour

By law, a depositary domiciled in Liechtenstein is required for Liechtenstein funds. The LLB is a very experienced depositary. Currently, we provide individualised, dedicated, and competent support for fund companies with more than 250 mandates. Your personal advisor coordinates each step in the formation and management of your fund and subsequently implements your investment decisions. This project is supported by proven experts in various disciplines.

Ready to perform in all respects

Alongside our function as a depositary, we offer you additional services that are matched to your investment goals or that supplement them. These include custodian services and compliance. As a transfer agent, we can ensure transparent issuance and redemption of units. In all cases, our dedication and competence generate reliable added value.